castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.



Next Generation community resources for Next Generation Sequencing

I've been looking at SEQanswers lately to try and discern where is people drawing the "Here be dragons" of their research. A lot of it is about wet lab protocols, which is great news, because it means the discoveries in different labs are shortcutting publication delays and being adopted as soon as possible. But there is also a lot of data analysis discussions which is great to identify the needs for specific bioinformatics tools in the outside world. It is becoming increasingly important in new emerging IT fields to know what *not* to work on other than what to work on, and forums like SEQanswers are great for this.

Great seeing people using this forum and not being afraid of showing results --- which is also showing muscle sometimes, but all good and fair. I wonder how much of this is known by lab bosses and how much of potentially old generation bosses understand of these Internet open community practices...

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