castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.


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seven of them...


Swearing in Catalan

Fill de puta


La mare que el va parir



Fotre una hóstia

Cagum Déu que no plou, la mare que el va parir!!



A good veggy grill for lunch

Reeeeeally simple recipe :) Ingredients: mushrooms spring onions courgettes aubergines ...grilled... and eaten :p Posted by Picasa



sunny afternoon

This Saturday the weather has been hugely better than last Saturday... Posted by Picasa


trip to London

I uploaded some photos of my trip to London on my Flickr account... :) Posted by Picasa


Man in shorts

I was waiting for my train in London's Liverpool Street Railroad Station when I spotted this man, well in his sixties, all dressed up, but with shorts and white socks... If anyone knows the reason why someone would dress like that, drop me a line. It is a little bit like that guy of AC/DC... Posted by Picasa


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