castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.



Fruit fly research and Sarah Palin

You can go and browse the wikipedia entry for it:

About 75% of known human disease genes have a recognizable match in the genetic code of fruit flies (Reiter et al (2001) Genome Research: 11(6):1114-25)


Nature magazine videos

Specially interesting the X-rays coming from a sticky tape and the one for the platypus genome:



PL for phylogenetic trees

Penalized likelihood phylogenetic inference: bridg...[Syst Biol. 2008] - PubMed Result
1: Syst Biol. 2008 Oct;57(5):665-74.Click here to read Links
Penalized likelihood phylogenetic inference: bridging the parsimony-likelihood gap.
Kim J, Sanderson MJ.

Department of Biology and Penn Genome Frontiers Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.

The increasing diversity and heterogeneity of molecular data for phylogeny estimation has led to development of complex models and model-based estimators. Here, we propose a penalized likelihood (PL) framework in which the levels of complexity in the underlying model can be smoothly controlled. We demonstrate the PL framework for a four-taxon tree case and investigate its properties. The PL framework yields an estimator in which the majority of currently employed estimators such as the maximum-parsimony estimator, homogeneous likelihood estimator, gamma mixture likelihood estimator, etc., become special cases of a single family of PL estimators. Furthermore, using the appropriate penalty function, the complexity of the underlying models can be partitioned into separately controlled classes allowing flexible control of model complexity.


Technology shares vs bank/property shares

BBC NEWS | Business | Google shrugs off slowing economy
The online search engine Google defied economic worries, with a 26% rise in profits, sending its shares soaring 7% in after-hours trading.

One would think that the financial crisis would greatly affect banks and property-related shares, but not other sectors, like technology. I would say so.



GM and gene flow

Agriculture: Is China ready for GM rice? : Nature News
Wild-rice plants are undomesticated strains, whereas weedy rice, which is characterized by its seed scattering and dormancy, is thought to originate from rice crops as a result of mutations. Lu's team and another group have shown that the rate of gene flow from GM strains to wild and weedy rice is 3–18% and 0.01–0.5%, respectively.

One way to avoid this from happening is to use seeds that produce high toxin levels; another way is to set aside some land near GM-crop fields for its unmodified counterparts, which would serve as a 'refuge' for insects.



Google Maps like Genome Browser

Intro page for the AJAX Generic Genome Browser (GBrowse)
Genomes: * Drosophila melanogaster chromosome 3R
I don't know if they render the glyphs in real time or they are caching the images (by specifying hard-coded zoom levels), but anyway, it's cool...



[Phoronix] DRI2 Protocol Gets Updated, Again
Plans for version 2 of the Direct Rendering Infrastructure, or better known as DRI2, had come about last year at the 2007 X Developers' Summit. DRI2 allows for a number of technical improvements within X.Org graphics drivers, but for end-users it provides accelerated direct rendering to redirected windows. Today though much of DRI2 is now stabilized, but it didn't come without a lot of hard work and a few key revisions.

What's been added in this latest Direct Rendering Infrastructure 2 push is a DRI2CopyRegion request and the framework that allows DRI2 to be extended in future versions. With the CopyRegion request it's mostly a rename from SwapBuffers. No vsync handling or page-flipping support has yet been added to DRI2.

The announcement regarding today's DRI2 update can be read on the X.Org mailing list.



I knew it!

BBC NEWS | Health | Internet use 'good for the brain'
For middle aged and older people at least, using the internet helps boost brain power, research suggests.



If it's in Wikipedia, it must be true

British property bubble - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
British property bubble
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#REDIRECT Housing market crisis in the United Kingdom (2008)


Multiple monitor support for OpenOffice Impress in v3.0 3.0 released []
The Community is today announcing the general availability of Version 3. Right from the opening screen, 3 has a fresh new look, with a new start screen, new splash screen, new icons, and a host of usability improvements. The Writer word processor has a cool new slider control for zooming, allows multi-page display while editing, has powerful new multilingual support, and boasts improved notes capabilities. As well as conventional office documents, Writer can now edit wiki documents for the web. The Calc spreadsheet has been given another increase in capacity - now up to 1024 columns per sheet. It also has a powerful new equation solver, and a great new collaboration feature for multiple users. Draw can now cope with poster-size graphics (up to 3sq metres), and Impress supports multiple monitors for presentations. Chart now produces much more clean looking graphics by default, and has a range of additional features requested by power users. The popular built-in PDF export facility has been further enhanced with PDF/A support and a range of new user-selectable options.




BBC NEWS | Health | Gut 'tasting' could beat poisons
The US team found that when the bitter taste receptors in the gut are activated, this leads to the production of a hormone called cholecystokinin.;g=ENSG00000187094




Real Time Economics : Sign of the Times
The dollar sign in the clock had to be deleted and replaced with a one to record the massive number. The clock’s owners say a new model — with space for two extra digits — will be in place early next year.

Now the debt clock will be able to reach the quadrillions. Hopefully, that’s not a level that will be breached any time soon.

BBC NEWS | Business | Further decline in house prices
House price graph


About Skype

Why eBay Should Open-Source Skype | Linux Journal
The great thing about opening up Skype is that it wouldn't affect its business model, which is already based on giving away the code, albeit in a closed form. Money could still be made from the outbound calls from Skype to ordinary phone lines.



BioMed Central

Open access publisher BioMed Central sold to Springer: Scientific American Blog
Open access pioneer BioMed Central has been acquired by Springer, has learned.

Open access is the movement, recently bolstered by Congress, to make studies available for free online, instead of charging taxpayers who funded the research (and others) to read them. Many prominent scientists have backed it, signing on with BioMed Central and a non-profit open access publisher, the Public Library of Science.

BioMed Central publisher Matthew Cockerill announced the news in an email today to editors of BMC's journals.

Those in the open access movement had watched BioMed Central with keen interest. Founded in 2000, it was the first for-profit open access publisher and advocates feared that when the company was sold, its approach might change. But Cockerill assured editors that a BMC board of trustees "will continue to safeguard BioMed Central's open access policy in the future." Springer "has been notable...for its willingness to experiment with open access publishing," Cockerill said in a release circulated with the email to editors.

Read more about Science 2.0, which takes open access even further, with scientists publishing raw experimental results, here, and about a open access milestone in physics, here.


HTML 5 WebSocket

HTML 5, WebSocket, and Comet - The Future of the Web
The HTML 5 WebSocket enables communication from the browser to any TCP-based back-end service (for example, JMS, JMX, IMAP, Jabber, and so on). For example, it is now possible to avoid convoluted architectures by simply channeling certain protocols to the browser over HTTP, and web applications can now be deployed without the need for a traditional web server.



Instant boot-up linux with selected apps

MontaVista Linux drives Dell's quick-boot feature
CEO Rusty Harris revealed MontaVista's role developing the quick-booting, ARM-based processor subsystem expected to ship this year in select Dell laptop models. The "Latitude ON" feature aims to give enterprise laptop users instant boot-up and access to select applications, with multi-day battery lifetimes.



Great quote

Op-Ed Columnist - Rescue the Rescue - Op-Ed -
I’ve always believed that America’s government was a unique political system — one designed by geniuses so that it could be run by idiots. I was wrong. No system can be smart enough to survive this level of incompetence and recklessness by the people charged to run it.



The insights of politics (Catalan)

1dia 1causa: Les frases censurades del Debat de Política General
No em pregunteu com ho he aconseguit (no m'he inventat cap cosa que valgui la pena escriure), però he tingut accés a les frases que els assessors externs dels partits han suprimit en els discursos del Debat de Política General:

José Montilla (President)

"De la Vega, me pones caliente cuando me das cachetes en el culo. Soy tuyo, haré todo lo que me pidas"
"No vai entendre el argumentu de El Zoo d'en Pitus. Que pasa?"
"Crisis? jo no tinc crisis"

Artur Mas (CiU)

"Creiem que es necessari fotre fora alguns immigrants, començant per la meva dona"
"La tinc més llarga i gruixuda que el Montilla. Sí, Nebreda, tu ho saps molt bé, nena"
"Zapatero em va tractar com una reina a la Moncloa. Es gasta l'espoli en vaselina i m'encanta"

Miquel Iceta (PSC)

"Em vaig enrotllar amb Mariano Rajoy en un cuarto oscuro de Chueca"
"Ens presentarem a les eleccions de l'Omnium i del Barça i així s'acomplirà el nostre somni de dominar tot Catalunya... Muhahahahahaah!" (riure malèfic mentre acaricia un gatet)
"Catalans, les monedes que sobren de la màquina del cafè cal que les enviem a Andalusia i Extremadura"

Joan Puigcercós (ERC)

"Carod Rovira, ets un fill de puta. Qui és el tonto ara? eh? eh?"
"L'Estatut no està tan malament, a mi em posa brutote"
"A veure si no ens allarguem gaire que vull anar a veure Los hombres de Paco"

Daniel Cirera (PP)

"La sequera va ser culpa d'ETA i de la imposició del català"
"Federico, ¿por qué ya no me llamas?"
"M'he tatuat Yes We Can al membre"

Joan Bosch (IC-EUiA)

"S'ha de començar amb els acomiadaments, que m'estan baixant els fons d'inversió"
"La brossa que separeu, després la tirem tota al mateix forat"
"Amb el sou de diputat m'estic comprant un Hummer"

Albert Rivera (Ciudadanos)

"Me hago pajas con Isabel San Sebastian y me corro sobre la pantalla de la tele. A mi mamá no le gusta pero a mi si"
"Bup! Bup! Guau! Guau!"
"Arcadi Espada me toca... ahí abajo..."


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