castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.



Leo Goodstadt MRC Oxford -- Treasures in the trees

the last 5% in finishing genomes is very important

positive selection on defined main categories -- reproduction, olfaction, immunity, transcription factors

lots of examples for gene expansions in rodents

KAL1 as an example of a gene loss

RP25 retinitis pigmentosa is an interesting case -- how come this can be traced back to drosophila? wasn't this supposed to be converging evolution? is it a real ortholog? how come so many gene losses in several groups?

MD: don't you think duplication is really gene expression and it's regulation?

What should we do now? KRAB Zn-Fingers and other transcription factor families. Primates will give us lots of info that human popgen won't. RD doesn't seem to disagree...


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