(Shameless plug of the day)
There is an opportunity for students to propose a
Jalviewrelated software development project as part of the Google Summer of
Code this year, with an stipend of $4500. This project would be
supported by the NESCent mentor organisation, and ideally improve
Jalview's phylogenetic analysis capabilities, enhance the applet's use
as an AJAX web gui component, and/or extend its visualization and
editing capabilities for use as a curation tool.
The application period for student proposals is rapidly approaching, and
its important to discuss proposals with mentors before submission. If
you or anyone you know are interested, please read and/or forward the
message below, and look at the jalview project section on the following
(huge) URL:
Albert Vilella.
The Phyloinformatics Summer of Code program provides a unique
opportunity for undergraduate, masters, and PhD students to obtain
hands-on experience writing and extending open-source software for
evolutionary informatics under the mentorship of experienced
developers from around the world. The program is the participation of
the US National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent) as a
mentoring organization in the Google Summer of Code(tm) (http://
Students in the program will receive a stipend from Google (and
possibly more importantly, a T-shirt solely available to successful
participants), and may work from their home, or home institution, for
the duration of the 3 month program. Each student will have at least
one dedicated mentor to show them the ropes and help them complete
their project.
NESCent is particularly targeting students interested in both
evolutionary biology and software development. Initial project ideas
are listed on the website. These range from hardware accerelation for
phylogenetic inference, to tree visualization within a wiki, to
alignment of next-gen sequencing data, to development of a reusable
ontology term markup module for biocuration. All project ideas are
flexible and many can be adjusted in scope to match the skills of the
student. We also welcome novel project ideas that dovetail with
student interests.
TO APPLY: Apply online at the Google Summer of Code website (http://
socghop.appspot.com/), where you will also find GSoC program
rules and eligibility requirements. The 12-day application period
for students opens on Monday March 23rd and runs through Friday,
April 3rd, 2009.
INQUIRIES: phylosoc {at} nescent {dot} org. We strongly encourage all
interested students to get in touch with us with their ideas as early
on as possible.
2009 NESCent Phyloinformatics Summer of Code:
Google Summer of Code FAQ:
Cyberinfrastructure Traineeships (managed separately from GSoC;
postdocs also eligible):
To sign up for quarterly NESCent newsletters: http://www.nescent.org/
Todd Vision and Hilmar Lapp
National Evolutionary Synthesis Center