castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.



Daniel Falush, Department of Microbiology, University College Cork

First third about human population admixture, then e.coli...

Example of admixture -- Barack Obama

Li and Stephens 2003 -- HMM model for genetic variation

HGDP data (Li et al., Science 2008) - 650k ~ 1000 unrelated indvs

Sloppy painting -- african portion more or less remains
african. Brahui (Pakistan) have a lot of admixture.

Hazara admixture -- 22 generations ago -- Mongol era admixture

Kalash -- 630 BC -- Outlier population with the oldest time having no

Aaron Darling in the bacteria side
Didelot did ClonalFrame

phlyopools (not misspelled) -- weak ARGs -- lots of recombination in ecoli set 15
strains -- data doesn't tell much at the very deep branches of the
tree, but the more external branches have a lot of information

group b1 has high recombination rates -- lots of pathogens in it


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