Next-Generation Sequencing Informatics
Below is a table with informatics and IT statistics for the major next-generation/massively parallel sequencing platforms. The information in the table is approximate and should only be used for general, informational purposes.
Next-Generation Sequencing Informatics Statistics
Vendor: Roche Illumina ABI
Technology: 454 Solexa SOLiD
Platform: GS 20 FLX Ti GA GA II 1 2
Reads: 500 k 500 k 1 M 28 M 80 M 40 M 115 M
Read length: 100 200 350 35 50 75 25 35
Run time: 6 hr 7 hr 9 hr 3 d 3 d 4 d 6 d 5 d
Yield: 50 Mb 100 Mb 400 Mb 1 Gb 4 Gb 6 Gb 1 Gb 4 Gb
Images: 11 GB 13 GB 27 GB 500 GB 700 GB 900 GB 1.8 TB 2.5 TB
PA Disk: 3 GB 3 GB 15 GB 175 GB 300 GB 350 GB 300 GB 750 GB
PA CPU: 10 hr 140 hr 220 hr 100 hr 70 hr 100 hr NA NA
SRA: 1 GB 4 GB 30 GB 50 GB 75 GB 100 GB
Read length: 200 2×35 2×50 2×75 2×25 2×35
Insert: 3.5 kb 200 b 200 b 200 b 3 kb 3 kb
Run time: 7 hr 6 d 6 d 8 d 12 d 10 d
Yield: 100 Mb 2 Gb 8 Gb 11 Gb 2 Gb 8 Gb
Images: 13 GB 1 TB 1.3 TB 1.8 TB 3.6 TB 5 TB
PA Disk: 3 GB 350 GB 500 GB 600 GB 600 GB 1.5 TB
PA CPU: 140 hr 160 hr 120 hr 170 hr NA NA
SRA: 1 GB 60 GB 100 GB 150 GB 200 GB
* Units: B - bytes, b - bases
* PA is primary analysis (includes image feature extraction and base calling)
* PA CPU is calculated as the wall clock multiplied by the number of CPU cores
* ABI SOLiD data are representative of a single slide
* ABI SOLiD primary analysis is done on the instrument cluster
* SRA is the size of the files (SFF or SRF) that are submitted to the NCBI Short Read Archive
200409 200412 200501 200502 200503 200504 200505 200506 200507 200508 200509 200510 200511 200512 200601 200602 200603 200604 200605 200606 200607 200608 200609 200610 200611 200612 200701 200702 200703 200704 200705 200707 200708 200709 200710 200711 200712 200801 200802 200803 200804 200805 200806 200807 200808 200809 200810 200811 200812 200901 200902 200903 200904 200905 200906 200907 200908 200909 200912 201001 201002 201003 201004 201007 201009 201011 201102
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