Using it in mod_perl is as easy as adding this to your httpd.conf (before you load any other Perl modules): PerlModule Devel::NYTProf::Apache It is worth starting apache in single process mode otherwise it writes to multiple log files: apachectl -X Once you've finished using your code (in order to generate stats), you can generate the reports with: nytprofhtml -f /tmp/nytprof.$PID.out If you've got your Perl modules in some directory other than the compiled in @INC, you can use:  nytprofhtml -f /tmp/nytprof.$PID.out -lib /path/to/libs I use a framework which autogenerates a number of classes, so I had to edit nytprofhtml to add a few lines in order to initialise my framework before running the report. Try this out - it is super easy, and very very useful
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