castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.



Interesting blog entry

Dual systems « Chris’ Big Bond Blog
Iv’e started to notice a cool tendency in the computer market. It seems like we are moving towards an age of dual systems. One system for mobility and one system for performance.

ASUS and Dell Latitude ON are delivering motherboards with a Linux OS burned into a chip on the motherboard. This way you don’t have to boot into windows if you just want to do some easy surfing or listen to some music. It saves power and increases mobility for laptops.

Lenovo also incorporates this into their Ideapad machine. You get a serious graphics card, wich you can turn on or off as you need it or not. Thereby, you can decide if you want performance or mobility.

This is a very interesting line of thought. I like to be able to have performance only when I need it. I wonder how far this will go. Will you eventually end up having a computer that is actually two computers?

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