castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.



US elections in two and a half months

BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Obama picks Biden as running mate

In two months and a half, November 4th, the United States citizens will be able to decide who they want their president to be. Obama has chosen Biden as the running mate to complement his young profile. Biden as Obama is a "you can make it if you try" kind of person. Biden's work in the Senate: violence against woman act, college tuition affordable for all, lock down chemical weapons. Obama to the stage with U2. Biden to the stage with Bruce Springsteen. Biden: no more tax cuts after tux cuts; being able to pay the bills; energy policy shouldn't be written by and for oil companies; these times require more than a good soldier, they require a wise leader.

Maybe McCain will pull it out, who knows. The idea of fighting in Iraq for 100 years is doesn't make any sense. Healthcare is not going to move any forward with McCain, but towards more privatization. Obama has inspired millions of americans.

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