castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.



One of the wonders of the Internet...

... is that, like newspapers, Internet content generated today will remain available for future generations to read in a decade, a century and so on.

In the same manner as slavery was accepted by some a couple hundred years ago, tobacco smoking is today accepted by still a lot of people as something people can freely do, given you don't affect the liberties of others while smoking. Because we all have the right to enjoy a smoke-free pub or restaurant, I think in the future nobody will doubt that banning smoking on public paces is the right thing to do.

So, one of the wonders of the Internet is that, like newspapers, Internet content generated today, like this blog by Simon Clark: a blog about defending smoking, will be available for future generations to read.

A couple of centuries ago, there were lobbies defending slavery, and today there are people who are defending smoking. Yes, nobody is defending slavery nowadays, but there are people, like Simon Clark, who are still defending smoking today...

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