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Ensembl GeneTree SLC2A (Soluyte Carrier Family 2)

The gene variation found in the SLC2A gene appears to make it harder for the body to remove uric acid from the blood.

This is the Ensembl GeneTree for the SLC2A family, comprising about 500 proteins along the whole Fungi/Metazoa Tree and showing the evolutionary history of these genes in the different species present in the Ensembl database:

We can see that most of the subtrees define the different members of the family: SLC2A12, SLC2A10, SLC2A9, SLC2A11, SLC2A5, SLC2A7, SLC2A14, SLC2A1, SLC2A4, SLC2A2, SLC2A8, SLC2A6 and SLC2A13. Treefam contains separate Gene Trees for most of them, based on the presence of a deep outgroup like yeast or some other outgroup species.

The gene is present in yeast, also in Arabidopsis and rice (Treefam), and seems to have duplicated after the split of these outgroup species in both lineages.

SLC2A10 and SLC2A12 seem to be more recently related to each other and our tree places this duplication at the Euteleostomi level. Treefam places a rice gene as an outgroup, but this could be an artifact. A lot of the yeast genes seem to cluster together, but it's not clear if this is consistent or not.

The Ensembl MCL Family for SLC2A10 clusters a lot of human genes, all of them located at one arm of chr20 (below). This is conserved for Pongo pygmaeus, where we also see then in chr20:

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