castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.



Charlie Boone -- Global mapping of genetic and chemical-genetic interactions in yeast
Synthetic lethality or unlinked non-complementation - two mutations fail to complement and yet do not map to the same locus.

World canavinine crisis... :p

S. pombe biology is better than yeast for high-throughput (HTP) genetic interaction analysis

HTP Quantitative Cell Biology

bni1 synthetic lethality -- a highly complex network of 50 genes

8 SGA screens -- 291 interactions -- 204 genes

1000 genes - ways to kill the cell when ko a gene
100,000 ways when ko two genes

Interactions occur amongst functionally related genes
Genetic Network is a Small World Network

Scoring Genetic Interactions Quantitatively -- linear regression model for colony size -- doublings per hour

syntethic lethals VS pairs of genes whose products are in the same nonessential complex/pathway

Molecular Barcodes Tag Deletion Strains -- barcodes for each mutant: 20bp oligo pairs -- stitching PCR -- drug hypersensitivity screen -- barcode chip

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