castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.


Those things that you don't realize but much later than when you should

There is an expression in Catalan, to acknowledge someone your approval to do something:


Which could be translated to: "Seen-and-pleases-me".

A close relative of mine realized about the relationship between the structure of the expression and its meaning much later than it should.

Another one:

"Ropa Premama" in Spanish

The clothes for pregnant women --- "pre-mother".

And today I realized that, in Perl (this is geek stuff):

A module's file extension is "*.pm"

and in Perl, the local communities are called "_P_erl _M_ongers".

For example, one can talk about the, which isn't a Perl module about Barcelona but the Perl Monger's group in Barcelona (great group of people, by the way).

Again, way too late to discover that trick... :-)

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