Scobleizer has been giving some good remarks on the use of X41 Tablet under Windows (he works for Microsoft):
But for those of us who need Linux, there are places where to find information regarding the X41 Tablet and Linux:
Another place where X41 Tablet Linux installation experience is explained:
The on-the-fly screen rotation seems to be working for David.
The rotation protocol is part of the RandR extension in
For a more general introduction on the state of graphics in Linux:
Other people without X.Org have created Rotate layouts in their X configuration files:
Some tips* from the Toshiba Protege m200 help page in
The driver nv from does not support rotation on-the-fly, so nvidia is used which has the option "RandRRotation" set to "true" in the Device section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf. Another advantage is that you gain excellent 3D performance, with the downside that Suspend-To-Disk is broken, when it worked with the old driver. Perhaps it needs more than two hours to properly configure that beast for suspension.
*This information may be outdated with respect ot latest distros/X.Org packages
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