castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.


SNPping around...

SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Nov 8, 2005 - Illumina, Inc. (NASDAQ: ILMN) announced today that it has signed a multi-phase genotyping services agreement to support colorectal cancer researchers funded by Cancer Research UK, the world's leading independent charity dedicated to cancer research. The multi-million dollar agreement extends over several years and includes two major phases. In the first phase of the project, Illumina's service group will conduct dense, whole-genome genotyping (greater than 500,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNPs, per sample) for at least 4,000 well-classified colorectal patients and controls. In the second phase, Illumina will genotype over 10,000 samples using a custom, multi-sample BeadChip that will enable analysis of 20,000 SNPs per sample. Both phases will use Illumina's Sentrix(R) Arrays and Infinium(TM) Assay with the option to employ related assay methods.

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