castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.


PS3 and Open Source/Standards


Ken Kutaragi states that the PlayStation 3's hard disk drives will come preinstalled with the GNU/Linux operating system. Kutaragi also hinted the PlayStation 3's hard disk drive might possibly be sold separately [5] and is required for most games since they depend on a hard disk for data storage or otherwise lose some usability options.

IBM has sent a series of improvements and patches to the Linux developers mailing-list regarding the Cell processor, and has publicly presented a server running Linux Kernel 2.6.12.

Software development kit:

Sony has selected several technologies and arranged several sublicensing agreements to create the software development kit for developers. The PlayStation 3, unlike the PlayStation and PlayStation 2 systems, is based on publicly-available application programming interfaces (API).

The list of open standards includes:

* Cg, Nvidia's C-like shading language.

* COLLADA, an open, XML-based file format for 3D models.

* OpenGL ES 2.0, the embedded version of the popular OpenGL graphics API.

* OpenMAX, a collection of fast, cross-platform tools for general "media acceleration," such as matrix calculations.

* OpenVG, for hardware-accelerated 2D vector graphics.

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