castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.


podcast syncing

A new feature for GNOME related to podcasting and iPod-like devices:

It would be great to see something related to the "Import" feature for

digital photography devices but that would do a "Sync" of Monopod

(read: any other podcast application) content when an iPod-like device

is plugged. Something along the lines of (what I have only heard

about) auto-sync in iTunes. For example:

John has Monopod always running in his computer, which downloads the

latest podcasts for his adored feeds.

John realizes he has to leave in 30 minutes, so plugs his iPod-like

device in the computer to sync the content:

A menu (similar to the "Import" menu for photos) appears asking for

confirmation to "Sync" the content of Monopod in the device.

The content of Monopod is synced in the device. In case the device

would need extra space, the oldest entries in the Monopod list would

be erased in the device, leaving enough space for the newest to be


A confirmation appears when the sync is completed and the device can

be unplugged.

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