castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.



Great Networking in Fedora has Arrived

Faithful users of the Fedora Core 4 linux distribution can now connect to wireless networks reliably. A version of NetworkManager 0.5.0 was released into the popular distribution's updates-testing channel, allowing users the chance to preview the software before it is released as an update to the general Fedora user base. Using a laptop doesn't have to be difficult, said Christopher Aillon, of Red Hat, Inc. With NetworkManager 0.5.0, users will find they are able to roam without worrying about typing in a command to get their wireless working. The new NetworkManager boasts a plethora of enhancements over the versions previously found in Fedora Core 4, including smarter handling of different wireless networks, improved artwork, and a better overall experience. While not yet at version 1.0, NetworkManager is stabilizing pretty rapidly, and many users will find it to be very useful. I find it to be much more stable than previous versions notes one user. David Zeuthen, a Danish software engineer, agrees. It's like my Mac, actually, he said. I can suspend and resume, it reattaches to the network on resume, and VPN works. Users of Fedora Core 4 who wish to download the new NetworkManager packages may do so by typing the following command: yum --enablerepo=updates-testing" Hopefully this, or something similar, will make it into Ubuntu soon.

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