castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.


Public transportation

I had a bad experience this morning when going to catch the bus: at 8:03, I found out that the 8:05 bus had already left, full, leaving half a dozen people in the bus station waiting for the next bus, at 8:30h.

I went to file a complaint and while writing what had just happened I found that, the guy in charge of the office, that was overlooking what I was writing, started to negate it: he negated that I was there before the schedule, 8:05. He negated that there was a bus at 8:00h, _in front of_ a pile of bus schedules that clearly say so, and he negated that I missed the bus, but that the bus was full, left earlier, and I wasn't there to pick it up. Fuc***** amazing!! Of course I wasn't there! The bus was meant to be there until 8:05, I was there at 8:03, but the bus was full and I couldn't take it.

Maybe some people think that "negation" is the best way to avoid problems when they are in front of your face...

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