Note that the Rotisserie comprises 40% of the total course grade. (Please note that we will not take into consideration the ratings that your peers give your rotisserie responses in our grading process, so don't worry about the ratings that you may get.) Here are some guidelines for composing a good rotisserie response:
Do all the related readings for the question. Good answers will show a deep exploration of the issue, not just an emotional reaction to the question posed. We are not looking for "proof" that you did the reading, citations from the readings, or anything that is not necessary to a thoughtful answer. We do not expect legal analyses beyond the concepts that we discuss in class. We do not expect research outside of the assigned readings.
* Write your answer in a word-processing program (outside of the Rotisserie). Doing this will allow you to easily edit and refine your answer before submitting it. We are not looking for stream-of-consciousness answers, we want well-thought out work. In addition, this will ensure that you have a copy of your answer if for some reason it does not get entered into the Rotisserie properly. This will help us to give you credit if something goes wrong with your submission.
* Don't wait until the last minute. You are responsible for knowing when you have Rotisserie answers due and for getting them in on time. Although the Rotisserie can handle quite a bit of load, it can get clogged up if everyone tries to submit at the same moment. To make sure you get your answer in on time, plan to submit it somewhat before the deadline.
* Pay attention to the word limits. We want your rotisserie answers to be short and well-crafted. Long, rambling answers can be turned into concise, thoughtful answers with a little editing.
* Have a thesis/take a position/make a point. Don't just show us that you have done the readings, make an argument.
* Don't worry about formality. We won't be grading you on your spelling, or whether you use fancy language. We are looking for your arguments and the reasons you use to back them up. If your argument is persuasive, a grammatical error will not count against you.
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