castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.


Beagle: it's crawling! it's alive!

I spent some time this afternoon trying to install beagle on my laptop (under FC3). God! Is so useful!

Now I can look for insults and I get the IM logs of conversations I had.

No, seriously: having 150 scientific papers indexed is awesome. I can query them anyway I want, which makes a lot easier to relate the differents aspects of my phd project into a meaningful report.

This is still version 0.0.6, so there are some rough edges:

- mono takes a lot of memory as it goes on and on

- # chmod 644 /dev/inotify #is needed every time I reboot

But all in all, having used a previous version some 9 months ago, during a couple of weeks, was so amazing that I _had_ to have it installed.

Very happy to have succeeded!

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