castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.



gnome-terminal tip

If you select with Ctrl+Shift, you can select rectangles, then copy+paste them wherever you want.

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-c The scheduling class. 1 for real time, 2 for best-effort, 3 for idle.

-n The scheduling class data. This defines the class data, if the class accepts an argument. For real time and best-effort, 0-7 is valid data.

-p Pass in a process pid to change an already running process. If this argument is not given, ionice will run the listed program with the
given parameters.

# ionice -c3 -p89

Sets process with PID 89 as an idle io process.

# ionice -c2 -n0 bash

Runs ’bash’ as a best-effort program with highest priority.

# ionice -p89

Returns the class and priority of the process with PID 89.

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European Research Council and Open Access

Guidelines on Open Access:

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Ensembl homologies documentation

The documentation for the homology method is now here:

Ensembl -> About Ensembl -> Additional Documentation and Resources -> "More..." in

Comparative Genomics tools - Ensembl uses a range of software tools, many developed in-house, to align sequence from different species and identify homologues, syntenous regions and conserved areas of the genome. More...

and then "here" in:


Homologues (orthologues and paralogues) are deduced from the protein trees. These are built using the longest transcript of each gene only. A detailed description of the method is provided here.

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Installing ape Ubuntu Gutsy

sudo R CMD INSTALL gee_4.13-11.tar.gz
sudo apt-get install gfortran
sudo apt-get install gcc-4.2
sudo R CMD INSTALL ape_2.1.tar.gz

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Knights of Cydonia

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