castanyes blaves

Random ramblings about some random stuff, and things; but more stuff than things -- all in a mesmerizing and kaleidoscopic soapbox-like flow of words.


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Firefox tip


I stumbled upon this firefox tip to clear private data up:

Ctrl+Shift+Delete will pop up a window where you can choose that to clean up.



Watching Washington Journal

There was a call from Minnesota that claimed the cost of the Iraq War for the US is now about $450 billion. It more or less matches the numbers given by Wikipedia:

Then I looked at the information for oil reserves in Iraq. Wikipedia states that there probably are 112+100 = 212 billion oil barrels in Iraq to be extracted. Only Saudi Arabia, as a country, has more oil reserves, with a claimed 260.1 billion barrels, that being 24% of world reserves.

Those Iraq barrels multiplied by 60 dollars per barrel gives: $12,720 billion.

Now, another call, from a mother who is waiting for his son to be deployed in Iraq in the next few days. She asks about lessons to be learned from Vietnam.

They also talk about Iran: it holds 10% of oil reserves.

Watching the Australian Open

and Federer is clearly holding it tight, man!

Fernando Gonzalez is playing well, but aching a bit there and then. Either that, or he is pretending to be mildly injured to win the psic war...

Digging in my heels

I have been pushing forward my thesis dissertation a little bit more this weekend. Let's hope we can make this happen really soon, because I am starting to feel unsatisfied with this situation.

Does anyone in the blogosphere has any good tips for how to attain a thesis on weekends and bank holidays? Any specific recommendations?

Send to avilella at the mail that the googly company provides.


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